jeudi 21 octobre 2004

Gene, jean, jin, djinn... Billy Jean ??? 

Tout ce résume en une phrase.
"We need the gene !"
Parce que meme perdue sous un flot d'encouragements ou de compliments, reste toujours cette phrase a la fin.
"No really you've got a great physiological dataset now, it's fantastic, we just need the gene to make a fantastic publication !"
"As soon as we get the gene we can shape a paper, and I'm sure it can make a Nature, but thing is Quail's lab is probably working on the same mutant you know, so we've got to hurry up !"
"What about trying to get the gene before the conference in Leicester ?..."
"Even psychologically, and for both of us, we need to clone this gene NOW you know...."
"I think you should concentrate on cloning the gene, even if you're only doing this..."

Euh... chef... tu disais ?